
Breathwork for Stress

A People Science Study

About the Study

If you are curious to see if breathwork impacts your stress levels, download Chloe by People Science for free and join our 3-week study. All study activities can be done from the comfort of your home and smartphone. We make it super easy!

Join Today

  • Download the Chloe app and create a free account
  • Click the 'Join' tab and scroll to find the Breathwork for Stress Study
  • Enroll and remember to log in daily to complete your activities

Who is This For?

  • Women of all ages who own and use a smartphone.
  • Women who want to learn more about themselves and their body.

Why Participate?

  • At the end of the study, we’ll deliver your personalized results to help you understand your body better and what breathwork did (or did not do) for you.
  • You will be contributing valuable information that may benefit people, women specifically, in the future. 
  • You’ll be supporting People Science’s mission to contribute to women’s health & research.

What Can I Expect?

  • After downloading the Chloe app, we’ll ask you a few questions about yourself,  your stress and wellbeing. 
  • Complete 1 week of daily normal life, then complete 1 week of daily 15-minute breathwork. 
  • Complete brief daily surveys on your mobile app.

There is no compensation for this project beyond the opportunity to learn about yourself.

The data you provide will be anonymous, and the analyzed results will be shared with you and the research scientists.

Join Today

  • Download the Chloe app and create a free account
  • Click the 'Join' tab and scroll to find the Breathwork for Stress Study
  • Enroll and remember to log in daily to complete your activities

Who is People Science?

People Science is a technology-enabled clinical research company that brings communities together to see what alternative medicines work best for you. People Science tests good ideas by supporting research with the people that care about those ideas.

What is Chloe?

Chloe stands for Consumer Health Learning and Organizing Ecosystem and it is a free research tool for study participants. It is designed by People Science to connect people with trusted scientists in an effort to explore the potential benefits and uses of alternative and natural medicines.  

Learn more on our website.
